Анализ анкетирования участников семинара-практикума

Анализ анкетирования участников семинара-практикума

Analysis of the questionnaire survey of the participants of the workshop "Modern enterprise and business management:" The production system of Toyota Motor Corporation (Kaizen, Toyota's experience in lean manufacturing) "

С целью анализа проводимого мероприятия – семинара-практикума «Современное предприятие и управление бизнесом: «Производственная система Toyota Motor Corporation (Кайдзен, опыт Тойоты по бережливому производству)» участникам семинара было предложено заполнить анкету. В опросе приняли участие 44 человека – участника семинара-практикума.

The questionnaire included the following questions:

1. Participant:

1.1. the name and legal form of legal entity (workshop participant).

1.2. FULL NAME. head of the organization or the participants.

2. Address:

2.1. The legal / physical address (district, city, town, street, house number, building, apartment, office).

3. Telephone, fax, e-mail (if available).

4. Questions:

- participation of foreign experts in the seminar, gave you more useful information than with an invitation to Russian experts for a similar seminar (topic of the seminar) (YES / NO)?.

- Rate for the five-point scale the quality of the organization of the workshop, the relevance of the issues addressed: 1 2 3 4 5 (1 lowest rating, 5 maximal).

- You will participate, if invited you to a similar seminar organized by the Regional Center for Engineering NP "CC" Intek "? (WELL NO)


"The participation of foreign experts in the seminar, gave you more useful information than with an invitation to Russian experts for a similar seminar (topic of the seminar)?"
«Yes» - 38 participants,

"No" - 3 participants

Difficult to answer - 3 participants.

"Please rate the five-point scale the quality of the organization of the workshop, the relevance of the issues addressed: 1 2 3 4 5 (1 lowest rating, 5 maximal)"
1 – 0

2 – 0

3 – 2

4 – 14

5 – 28

"You will take part in the event invitation you for a similar seminar organized by the Regional Center for Engineering NP" CC "Intek"? "
"Yes" - 40 participants

"No" - 4 participants.

Analyzing the results of the survey to poll the audience can saddle the following conclusions.

On the issue of "participation of foreign experts in the seminar, gave you more useful information than with an invitation to Russian experts for a similar seminar (topic of the seminar)?" Produced the following results:
«Yes» - 86%;

"No" - 7%;

"I did not answer" - 7%.


Thus, we conclude that the participation of foreign experts give more useful information than the respondent with Russian experts.

The question "Rate five point scale quality of the organization of the workshop, the issues considered relevant: 1 2 3 4 5 (1 minimum score, maximal 5)" following results were obtained:
1 – 0%;

2 – 0%;

3 – 4%;

4 – 31,8%;

5 – 64%.


Analysis of the results showed that the majority of participants evaluated the quality of the organization of a seminar on the maximum score - 5 and close to the maximum - 4.

The results of the question "Do you choose to participate, if invited you to a similar seminar organized by the Regional Center for Engineering NP" CC "Intek"? "Were as follows:
«Yes» - 91%;

"No" - 9%.

conclusion can be drawn from these results that the majority of respondents would take part in a similar seminar, organized by the Regional Center for Engineering NP "CC" Intek ".
