ООО «ЕССО-Технолоджи»


Director: Mitrofanov Ilya Vladimirovich
Phone: +7 (8352) 62 - 38 - 81
Address: . Cheboksary, ul. Marx, 52

General information:

Предприятие электротехники по производству низковольтной и высоковольтной аппаратуры. “ЕССО-Технолоджи” – одно из предприятий электротехнической промышленности России по производству, современной низковольтной и высоковольтной аппаратуры.

Continuous improvement of products to meet the requirements of international standards allows Ltd. "ECCO-Technology" to maintain a leading position in the country and ensure the competitiveness of the Russian electrical products, both in domestic and foreign market.

Products and services:

Produces: a high-voltage equipment, switchgear 2-10, KM-1F and KRUN, K-59, TEMP, UBPVD, control actuators and adjustable electric drives for various industries, several types current relay and time relay a shutter operation, and the intermediate relay circuits for use in relaying and emergency control.

Предприятие выпускает вакуумные контакторы и выключатели для коммутации электрических цепей; предназначенные для дистанционного пуска электромагнитные пускатели и soft starter for induction motors, and CT contactor to enable (disable) the receiver.

For protection of overhead lines and cables, sectional and main switch company produces microprocessor control and protection terminals TEMP connections with security features, automation, control, measurement, registration and signaling.